How to get your Download Demo button visible in green on your Steam page?

Now, this seems like an obvious guide that has no right existing… but I’ve seen one too many Steam Demos launch with their Download Demo button hidden in the right column.

Look at that, if I didn’t circle it, you would have looked over the blue button in the blue column, right? So how do we turn THAT, into THIS:

First, you’ll need to browse to the Steam backend for the main game page, not the demo. Then navigate to Special Settings and when you scroll down you’ll see Associated Demos. Weirdly enough this option isn’t checked by default, but you need to tick the box next to “Display Demo Download button as more prominent green box above the list of purchase options”.

Here it is visible in a screenshot:

Don’t forget to publish the changes afterwards!

Thanks to Eugene from VoidMaw from sharing these screenshots with us! check out his game, Katanaut:

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